In this episode, we interview Darren J. Gendron, aka Dern, the creator of the "gag-a-day" webcomic Hello With Cheese. Dern is a local writing, residing nearby in Columbia, MD. Dern is a pioneer in the realm of pun-based humor, and as Justin described it, "this comic is so groan-inducing at times it might give you a hernia." With that ringing endorsement, listen to this episode and then check out Hello With Cheese at ![]()
In this episode, we interview Katie (K.) Sekelsky, who runs the Time Travel Bureau and just released her debut book The Time Traveler's Pocket Guide at SPX. Not only is it extremely entertaining, but it just might save your life. Katie is here to guide you, the layman, through the often confusing and sometimes perilous world of time traveling. If you were planning on going back in time to murder baby Hitler, Katie has some stern advice for you: Don't. Check out her website at ![]()
In this episode, we interview Wes and Tony, the creators of the hilarious webcomic Amazing Super Powers. You've probably stumbled on one of their comics before. We discuss the unsettling similarity between their character designs and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Check out their stuff at Also, if you've been wondering what's the deal with that worm-thing on their website, you can find out here. ![]()
In this episode, we interview Chris Hastings, the creator of one of my personal favorite webcomics, Dr. McNinja. It's a comic about a Doctor Who is also a ninja, and you can check it out at Chris also recently released FEAR ITSELF: DEADPOOL, a three-issue limited series that partners Chris with frequent Deadpool artist Bong Dazo, available from Marvel Comics. Go read it! ![]()
In this episode, we interview Bryan G. Brown, an award-winning writer and illustrator who can also beat you up. Bryan received a Xeric award for his autobiographical work First Fight, detailing his experience entering a mixed martial arts tournament for the first time. His newest series, Monsters of MMA, features "mutated Mixed Martial Artists duking it out in the cage to determine who is the toughest monster of them all!" Check out his stuff at and ![]()
We had a great time this year at the Small Press Expo (SPX) in Bethesda, MD! SPXplosion was a smashing success - we did a total of 11 interviews with some really great artists - some up-and-coming, some who are big names in the world of webcomics, and we're going to dole them out to you guys one by one. In this episode, we interview John Allison, the creator of the long-running (and now finished) story webcomic Scary Go Round ( Check out his current comic, Bad Machinery (, which is about some kids who solve mysteries (kind of like The Boxcar Children). John joins us from the UK and has a voice that, as Colin described it, is like "liquid honey being injected into your eardrums." ![]()
We had a great time this year at the Small Press Expo (SPX) in Bethesda, MD! SPXplosion was a smashing success - we did a total of 11 interviews with some really great artists - some up-and-coming, some who are big names in the world of webcomics, and we're going to dole them out to you guys one by one. In this episode, the guys recap their experience which mainly consists of Colin and Sean raving about a breakfast they had - much to Justin's annoyance. ![]()
BOLDLY GOING NOWHEREThe Internet...the final frontier. These are the travels of Boldly Going Nowhere. Our on-going mission? To explore the strange new realms of nerddom, join hosts Colin Caccamise, Brian Massey and Sean Holmes for a weekly podcast that blends pop culture and the week's latest nerd news. Archives
September 2011
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