This week we discuss Hulk Hogan crushing Gawker in the ligated circle, BROTHER! We also discuss Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice when it comes to critics versus audiences, we also retire "Race For Incompetence 2016" because American politics are getting irritating as fuck. We also watch, discuss and laugh over #Sadfleck. ![]()
1/26/2019 0 Comments Boldly Going Nowhere: Episode 145 – We are Drive-Thru Resistance #SkynetRestaurantOn this episode, Chicago believes that water is not nearly green enough, we discuss how the Big Mac deserves to be bronzed and a Willy Wonka-themed restaurant. We also discuss film trailers (Ben-Hur, X-Men: Apocalypse), current films (Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice). We also sexily discuss how Hardee's/Carl's Jr. is going to go skynet with their restaurants and robot nutrition options (#FatSexy). ![]()
On this week's episode, we talk about Spider Man in our civil war, The fifth Beatle passing, Rush coming to a full and complete stop (touring-wise). We also discuss VOD vs Theaters, plus a marathon of epic proportions...also a new Twupdate. We also talk about how Ohio needs to create a statue to commemorate Macho Man. ![]()
On this episode of BGN, we lament the loss of David Spade (Colin's 2005 Ford Five Hundred), we also discuss Star Wars officers ranking by sideburns. We discuss the passing of Harper Lee, Daredevil's director being named as the director of Pacific Rim 2 and Warner Brothers apparent concern over Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. ![]()
On this episode, we discuss the disappointment that was the new Ghostbusters trailer, we also talk about times at MAGFest (likes, dislikes, things that could be done better next year). Plus, Cadbury Creme Egg Shakes from McDonalds, NASA studies twins in outer space and Star Wars Land will rise in Disneyland. ![]()
Well Hello! On tonight's Boldly Going Nowhere: Titanic 2! Will it sail or sink? Sonic the Hedgehog races toward the silver screen! A brand new segment premieres called Split Stream! Colin discusses what is going off of Netflix and sadly, what is leaving us. We rant about a music and gaming festival coming up. This weeks twupdate has some visual references, which you can find here.…shire-vote.html Finally, Colonial Williamsburg attempts to undo the tragedies of the past during one of the many disappointing commercials at Super Bowl L. ![]()
On today's episode, we discuss the Broncos and why Brian's nervous for his team for Super Bowl 50 and why. We salute more of January's fallen, Abe Vigoda. Also, Jordan loves Blade Runner and we're also excited for the new sequel. Colin is sick, but we try to call him anyway. ![]()
1/26/2019 0 Comments Boldly Going Nowhere: Episode 138 – Bearfights, DUI's and Blizzards #TheKidsAreAllWhiteOn this episode, we ask if there's anything else Leonardo DiCaprio can do to get an Oscar after his performance in The Revenant. We also discuss Squidward's DUI, Spike Lee's boycott of the Oscars 2016 and the snowstorm that looks to whiteout the mid-Atlantic region. We also have Twupdates! ![]()
On this episode, we discuss how January 2016 has been cruel to our favorite elder Brits, we find out that Deadpool is both a lover and a fighter. We also are nonplussed about this year's Oscar offerings, also Colin's not here, so the gang resorts to cliff notes (provided by Colin). ![]()
1/26/2019 0 Comments Boldly Going Nowhere: Episode 136 – The New Year Awakens #RudolphIsTheChosenOneWe discuss Star Wars, white slavers, Daredevil, Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice and Star Wars. We also discuss our exploits during the holiday season such as casino buffets, awkward family meetings and travels in airports. ![]()
On this special holiday-themed episode, the gang from BGN talks about Kevin McCallister becoming the serial murderer we all expected, we discuss which of your favorite Disney kingdoms the government would be ok with bombing and for the first time ever, we have the Box Office Bust Challenge! We also attempt to deflect the drunken rantings of a wino we've dubbed "The Hurricane". ![]()
On this week's episode, we discuss how bitter George Lucas seems to be about not being able to fuck up Star Wars anymore, we also discuss MST3K's Kickstarter hitting its first goal and the 2015 MST3K Turkey Day marathon. We also talk about the cancellation of "The Soup" after 22 seasons and why Ben Carson's PR team should really check their maps before tweeting them on this week's Twupdate. ![]()
This week on Boldly Going Nowhere, we have special guests Samuel Whalen and Pat Acuña from Silent Old Mtns, they discuss their new tune "Trenches". We also talk about The Donald boycotting red cups at Starbucks, Comcast data-capping internet usage, were-kitties and MST3k Kickstarter! We also pay our final respects to Daniel Fleetwood and discuss what a dick Ken Jennings is on this week's Twupdate. If you are interested in donating to assist with Daniel's medical bills, please go to ![]()
1/26/2019 0 Comments Boldly Going Nowhere: Episode 132 – The Reese's Diabeetus Burger(#ForceForDaniel)On this week's episode, we discuss how Ryan Reynolds spent his Halloween creating a crack squad of fun-sized X-Men, we also discuss the Preacher trailer and Spectre being released this weekend. We discuss theories like Jupiter playing planet-sized pool and Ben Carson's theory that the Pyramids were grain silos. We also have a Twupdate for #NationalDoughnutDay, we drool/vomit over the Reese PBC Burger and we squee with glee as we talk about the #ForceForDaniel campaign coming to a successful conclusion. ![]()
BOLDLY GOING NOWHEREThe Internet...the final frontier. These are the travels of Boldly Going Nowhere. Our on-going mission? To explore the strange new realms of nerddom, join hosts Colin Caccamise, Brian Massey and Sean Holmes for a weekly podcast that blends pop culture and the week's latest nerd news. ArchivesCategories |